Natalja Wehmer is working for the Sustainable Urban Development Section of the Environment and Development Division, UN ESCAP. She works on a broad range of issues related to sustainable development and in particular to urbanization in Asia and the Pacific.
Her interests include community organizing, multi-stakeholder urban governance, low-income housing and climate resilient cities and sustainable resource use. Some of her current work involves co-managing the preparation of the flagship publication Future of Asia Pacific Cities Report, the upcoming 7th Asia Pacific Urban Forum (15017 Oct in Penang) and projects and trainings on localizing the 2030 Agenda and other international development frameworks.
Prior to working for the UN, she worked in the private sector as an agricultural trader and was active as a civic educator on globalization and development issues (using participatory facilitation and training methods such as scenario building and simulation games) for the Institute for Prospective Analyses and for the Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich. She holds an MA in Sociology from the University of Edinburgh and an MA in European Studies from the College of Europe.