Kanchanatetee Vasuvat

Project Manager, GIZ Thailand

BBA/MBA – International Business Management, she works for GIZ since 2012 on the project ‘Sustainable Consumption and Production for Low Carbon Economy – Low Emissions Public Procurement and Eco-Labelling (SCP4LCE)’ to incorporating climate relevant criteria into existing eco-labels, developing and strengthen climate-friendly GPP, and regional outreach of the Thai climate-friendly GPP in the region.

In 2015, she takes new challenges on integrating climate-friendly criteria into eco-labels, developing and introducing innovative strategies and concepts for climate friendly public procurement or eco-labels, and dissemination of the best practices for Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines. Currently, she is Project Manager for the project ‘Advancing and Measuring Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) for a Low-Carbon Economy in Middle-Income and Newly Industrialized Countries (Advance SCP)’ which is financed by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Germany (BMB) and implemented in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. And this year she will take another challenges for the new project “SCP Outreach in Asia – The next Five” which is financed by BMU again but will implementing in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Bhutan.
