H.E. Jonathan Young

Chairperson, Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee, Parliament, New Zealand

Jonathan Young was born and raised in Taranaki; originally on a farm at Otakeo, South Taranaki; but he also spent time growing up in Hawera and New Plymouth. Having commenced his high school education at New Plymouth Boys’ High School, he completed it at Hawera High School. Like many young students, Jonathan worked in the summers at a range of difference places. Kaupokonui Dairy Factory, Whareroa Dairy Factory, Patea Freezing Works and the Molesworth Cattle Station in the South Island.

After graduating from Palmerston North Teachers’ College, he returned to South Taranaki as a teacher in the late 70’s. Prior to Parliament, Jonathan spent twenty years working in West Auckland as the senior leader of a multi-cultural contemporary church. Alongside this Jonathan worked in the fields of financial administration, software programming, design and publishing journals and magazines. Jonathan later returned to New Plymouth where he contested the New Plymouth seat and won it off sitting MP Harry Duynhoven and has since defended it over the past four elections.

His Parliamentary roles include:

  • Energy and Resources spokesperson for National (Current)
  • Regional Economic Development spokesperson, NI for National (Current)
  • Chair of the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee (Current)
  • Parliamentary Private Secretary, Economic Development (2015-17)
  • Chair of the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee (2014-17)
  • Chair of the Commerce Committee (2011-14).

Jonathan lives in New Plymouth with his wife Maura, and they have four children between them.
